Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Tale of Two Game Shows

Anyone who knows me knows that I've always been obsessed with game shows. As a kid, I used to buy all the home game versions of TV shows and make my friends play them.

So it was a dream come true to be a contestant on the new game show "That's the Question" on the Game Show Network. It almost made up for the time back in 2003 that my dreams of being on Pyramid were dashed--after umpteen auditions and a full day of waiting in the studio to tape--because it turned out that I had gone out on a couple of go-nowhere dates with the executive producer back in the 90's. For legal reasons, I was out and I couldn't play the Pyramid. And I rock at Pyramid. Talk about a heartbreaker.

So I was thrilled to get on "That's the Question." The show is hosted by Bob Goen and it combines elements of Wheel of Fortune, Jumble and Millionaire to make a game that's fun, fast-paced and challenging.

My episode airs on the Game Show Network on Friday, November 30 (9 PM EST / 8 CST). Check your local listings for the exact time because every market is different. I can't tell you if I win or not, but I can tell you that I'm wearing a green shirt from Banana Republic and that I had a lot of fun.

Speaking of game shows, The MisMatch Game returns to the LAGLC on Friday, November 30, December 1 and Sunday, December 2. Learn all about it HERE.

Jordin Sparks My Fire

A note to Idol fans:

I just interviewed Idol winner Jordin Sparks for MSNBC about her new CD, which I really dig. Check it out HERE.