Sunday, May 25, 2008

Viva la France a'la Disney

This April, thanks to my boyfriend John Michael's exployment at Adventures By Disney, we got to take part in a 'dress rehearsal' for a new AbD tour, Flavors of France. We started in Provence, where we spent several days biking through the countryside, kayaking under the Pont Du Gard, and exploring picturesque hillside towns like Gorde.

Then we went to Paris and took in the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, a water taxi ride down the Seine and various other Parisian pleasures. It was a wonderful trip and our Disney guides, who are actually humans and not cartoon characters like Lilo and Stitch, took care of everything and made our trip run so smoothly.

I wrote about our adventure for You can read my first blog here, my second blog here, and my third blog here.

I also did three video vlogs about the trip for You can watch the vlogs here.